BlueDolphin Error

Incident Report for BlueDolphin


What happened?

Between 15:55 and 16:09 CET on 17 March 2025, EU and US customers experienced issues when accessing BlueDolphin

What went wrong and why?

Due to the technical (security release) access to keyvault certificates from our application gateways was blocked. Application gateways and Firewalls stopped providing services to Frontend and Backend.

How did we respond?

15:55 CET – Customer impact began
15:56 CET – Alerts fired first for US region and then for EU.
15:57 CET – BlueDolphin Support Team raised the issue.
15:57 CET - Our engineers isolated issue and rolled back changes.
16:09 CET - Services responded as Healthy
16:10 CET - Traffic comes back as normal
Posted Mar 17, 2025 - 16:00 CET